Video review HERE.
The Perdomo 20th Anniversary cigars are hand-crafted with the finest tobaccos grown exclusively on Perdomo’s most prestigious farms in Esteli, Condega, and the famed Jalapa Valley in Nicaragua. Using the highest priming tobaccos from each region, the new Perdomo 20th Anniversary cigars have a tremendous flavor profile with layer upon layer of rich, elegant, complex flavors. The seamless combination of the all Cuban-seed Nicaraguan grown wrappers, binders, and fillers makes the Perdomo 20th Anniversary cigars exceptional Nicaraguan puros. Using the best tobaccos from each of their farms in each region, Perdomo has truly created a masterpiece blend with a core of deep, satisfying flavors.
The Perdomo 20th Anniversary cigars are hand-crafted with the finest tobaccos grown exclusively on Perdomo’s most prestigious farms in Esteli, Condega, and the famed Jalapa Valley in Nicaragua. Using the highest priming tobaccos from each region, the new Perdomo 20th Anniversary cigars have a tremendous flavor profile with layer upon layer of rich, elegant, complex flavors. The seamless combination of the all Cuban-seed Nicaraguan grown wrappers, binders, and fillers makes the Perdomo 20th Anniversary cigars exceptional Nicaraguan puros. Using the best tobaccos from each of their farms in each region, Perdomo has truly created a masterpiece blend with a core of deep, satisfying flavors.
In order to achieve a perfect balance,
the Perdomo 20th Anniversary blend requires wrappers that have been carefully hand-selected
and well-aged for over 6 years. After being fermented to perfection, each
Cuban-seed Sun Grown and Maduro wrapper is barrel-aged in bourbon barrels for
an additional 14 months. These barrel-aged wrappers are at their peak color and
flavor, making each Perdomo 20th Anniversary cigar impeccably smooth from beginning to end.
“Our family has been truly blessed over
the years with a loyal and dedicated
staff both in Nicaragua and the United States. We are extremely grateful to the
retailers and consumers who have supported us through the years and continue to
share our enthusiasm and passion for our premium hand-made cigars. I’m
extremely proud of this brand and we are very excited to share these special
cigars with everyone,” states Nick Perdomo, Jr.
Created using the Perdomo family’s
time-honored Cuban traditions, the new Perdomo 20th Anniversary is semi
boxpressed and presented in elegant 24-count Spanish cedar boxes. The Perdomo
20th Anniversary is available in both Cuban-seed Sun Grown and Maduro wrappers
in five stunning sizes: Robusto R556 (5 x 56) MSRP $8.00; Epicure E556 (6 x
56) MSRP $8.50; Torpedo T6554 (6 1/2 x 54) MSRP $9.00, Gordo G660 (6 x 60) MSRP
$9.50, and Churchill C756 (7 x 56) MSRP $10.00 per cigar (excluding state
and local taxes).
“We will completely absorb the SCHIP tax
on our Perdomo 20th Anniversary brand as we do on all of our other brands,” states
Nick Perdomo, Jr. “We are committed to providing the very best cigars at great
price points for both retailers and consumers as we continue to experience
tough economic times.”
The cigar looks beautiful. After cutting the cap the test draw was effortless. The initial flavors at light up were a little hard to pin down exactly but they were sweet with lots of pepper. In order to get an accurate assessment of the flavors I let it sit for a minute.
At the band the coffee notes have really come forward. The continue to give the cigar depth and combine with the citrus and vanilla very well. The cigar is now medium to full bodied. The oak notes are subtle at this point.
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