JC Newman

August 22, 2023

J.C. Newman Cigar Co. Launches Its Online Factory Store

Three years ago, J.C. Newman Cigar Co. opened a factory store as part of the restoration of its historic El Reloj cigar factory in Tampa, Florida. In addition to offering a selection of rare and vintage cigars, J.C. Newman’s factory store is boutique showcasing unique items related cigars and Tampa’s Ybor City historic cigar district. Due to demand from cigar enthusiasts, J.C. Newman is launching an online factory store featuring many of its most popular non-cigar items.

 “We pride ourselves on offering a unique selection of items that represent Ybor City and Tampa as a whole,” said Executive Director of Hospitality and Community Engagement, Kara Guagliardo. “In the past, people could only purchase some of our most popular items by visiting our historic factory but now, they can order an El Reloj LEGO set or Ybor Misfits coffee mug from the comfort of their home!”

 J.C. Newman’s online factory store includes J.C. Newman’s vintage ashtray, El Reloj LEGO set, posters, shirts, baseball hats, books, and more! To learn more, please visit: www.jcnewman.com/factory-store .

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